#89 / The Sun of Knowledge with Amina Inloes & J. M. Hamade
Spirit Box - En podkast av Darragh Mason

For episode 89 we discuss one of the most infamous books ever penned in the Arabic language—indeed, one of the most infamous books in the history of Islam. Feared, banned, and burned, the Sun of Knowledge or Shams al-Maʿarif has nonetheless survived the vagaries of time to rise to prominence as the most famous Arabic grimoire. Today we are joined by Amina Inloes & J. M. Hamade to discuss their collaboration in translating the book into English (for the first time!) and illustrating The Sun of Knowledge along with a rich commentary for Revelore Press. Little is known about the author, Ahmad ibn ʿAli al-Buni (d. 1225 or 1232). His name suggests he was born in Buna now known as the Algerian city of Annaba. In any case what can be said is that the Sun of Knowledge is an authentic reflection of the Arabic esoteric tradition, which has been passed down throughout the ages under the spiritual aegis of a great master, and which today is the single most influential and comprehensive work in the Arabic occult tradition. In the show we discuss the mysteries of the letters. The secrets of Bismillah and its significance in Islam. The names Jesus Christ used to raise the dead. Talismans, Zar practices and the mysteries around Inspiration and the use of tonal sounds in practice. It’s a wonderful, illuminating show and was a pleasure to record! In the Plus show the rich conversation continues with topics covering the Ring of Solomon, The Queen of Sheba and half Djinn people. How the Sun of Knowledge and the Picatrix sit together, the similarities and distinctions. We discuss in more detail the association between some letters and the lunar mansions. And we explore the Lunar mansions with their associated stars and from an astrological perspective. Show notes: Instagram https://www.instagram.com/Arabic__Magic/ Revelore Press https://revelore.press/product/shams-al-maarif-the-sun-of-knowledge/ Twitter https://twitter.com/Arabic__Magic Amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sun-Knowledge-Shams-al-Maarif-Translation/dp/1947544357/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=the+sun+of+knowledge&qid=1647439199&sprefix=the+sun+of+kn%2Caps%2C69&sr=8-1 Jay's website https://jmhamade.com Keep in touch? https://linktr.ee/darraghmason Music by Obliqka https://soundcloud.com/obliqka