#58 / Sorita d’Este on Hekate
Spirit Box - En podkast av Darragh Mason

For episode #58 we are joined by Sorita d’Este. An accomplished author she has penned the Circle for Hekate (V.1 & 2) as well as around 20 other titles. Aspects of Ancient Greek and Aegean religious and magical practices, as well as Ancient Egyptian, Hermetic and Celtic threads, can be found in her work that combines her experience gained in Initiatory Craft, as well as traditions preserved in other European traditions, Orphism and the Grimoires. Today we discuss Hekate, her revival in modern witchcraft and Sorita gives us a superb background to the history of the goddess and dispels some modern myths. She has travelled extensively, visiting many ancient religious sites – including temples in Malta, Italy, Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece, Sri Lanka and India and in the Plus show we discuss travelling and in particular her journey to the Temple of Hekate in Lagina Turkey. Show Notes: www.avaloniabooks.com www.hekatecovenant.com twitter.com/theurgia sorita.co.uk Support the show: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/spiritbox TWITTER - https://twitter.com/spiritbox3 SUPPORT - https://www.patreon.com/spiritbox PODCAST - https://anchor.fm/spirit-box Music by Obliqka