#24 / Joshua Cutchin & Timothy Renner on 'Where the Footprints End: High Strangeness and the Bigfoot Phenomenon'.
Spirit Box - En podkast av Darragh Mason

This week we are joined by Joshua Cutchin and Timothy Renner to discuss the book they co-authored, ‘Where the Footprints End’, an exploration into the high strangeness surrounding the bigfoot phenomena. Joshua is an author and musician, and a well known figure in paranormal circles having appeared on some of the best known paranormal podcasts out there. Timothy is also a musician and author and on top of that he's a brilliant illustrator and host of the superb Strange familiars podcast. So, what’s the premise of the book? Despite their apparently physical nature, bigfoot and its hairy hominid kin consistently appear mired in High Strangeness—the peculiar, ineffable, and nonsensical absurdities so often encountered in paranormal phenomena. Some sightings seem more consistent with mythology than biology. Bigfoot often present supernatural attributes, like luminescent eyes or the ability to pass, ghostlike, through structures. Anomalous lights are regularly seen in areas of frequent sasquatch activity. Footprints persistently, if rarely, display odd numbered toes, and—most bafflingly—bigfoot trackways suddenly terminate in the middle of open, untouched terrain. In Volume 1 of Where the Footprints End: High Strangeness and the Bigfoot Phenomenon, authors Joshua Cutchin and Timothy Renner carefully examine not only the intersection of hairy apemen with global folklore—of poltergeists, faeries, extraterrestrials, magic, witches, ghosts, and archetypal women-in-white—but also question the fundamental assumptions underlying contemporary cryptozoological beliefs surrounding bigfoot. If you like the show and want more content Spirit Box in your life join the Patreon and the podcast Discord. It’s the price of a cup of coffee and you get all the shows early and a host of other glorious perks. SHOW NOTES: Book: amzn.to/3isBp4h Joshua’s Website: www.joshuacutchin.com Strange Familiars podcast: www.strangefamiliars.com Strange Familiars facebook: www.facebook.com/strangefamiliars KEEP IN TOUCH? TWITTER - twitter.com/spiritbox3 CONTACT - www.darraghmasonfield.com/contact SUPPORT - www.patreon.com/spiritbox PAYPAL - www.paypal.me/dmfphoto MUSIC - Obliqka