#16 / Tommie kelly on The Forty Servants, Hypersigils, Creativity and Art.
Spirit Box - En podkast av Darragh Mason

For episode #16 we welcome Tommie Kelly to the show. Tommie is an Irish artist and writer who has had a lifelong interest in all things Occult and Spirituality. He makes comics, videos, podcasts and very occasional blog posts, and is probably best known for his oracle deck The Forty Servants. We discuss, the effects of the Great famine and conservative Catholicism of the Irish psyche. We talk Hypersigils, Chaos Magick and art. The creative process and its impact on mental health and the process of a success being rooted in letting go of the outcome. All artwork featured in this video is the copyright of Tommie Kelly. Show notes: Tommie's website: http://AdventuresInWooWoo.com Tommie's twitter: https://twitter.com/TommieKelly Tommie's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tommiekelly The Forty Servants: https://www.adventuresinwoowoo.com/thefortyservants/ Keep in touch? TWITTER - https://twitter.com/spiritbox3 SUPPORT - https://www.patreon.com/spiritbox PODCAST - https://anchor.fm/spirit-box Music by Obliqka