Follow Your “Yes” Friday – Your “Yes” Always Knows Where It’s Going

Speaking of Partnership: Personal Stories of the Power and Payoffs of Partnership - En podkast av Ken Bechtel

Do you follow your “Yes?” Following your “Yes” is about you taking a step forward in your partnerships by taking action and applying at least one thing you heard from our guests during their interviews this week. On today’s episode, all of this week’s guests have generously provided BONUS MATERIAL, not included in the interviews you listened to earlier this week. Each one has provided incredible examples of the power of following your “Yes”.  Enjoy! Susan Campbell Not Following – When Susan was 21 years old she was having guidance to do more than just marry her high school sweetheart.  And she had this impulse to follow these impulsed, but all of her friends were getting married. She was also getting guidance not to marry her fiancee.  And when she spoke to her parents about it they said whatever she wanted they were fine with. And her girlfriends told her it was just cold feet.  And she listened to her girlfriends and went ahead and got married. Ultimately it ended up in divorce 5 years later. Following – Susan was one of the only women on the faculty at the University of Massachusetts and all of her female colleagues envied her this incredible job. She found a book in a garbage can that was a guide book for visiting San Francisco.  So she visited San Francisco on her next school holiday and fell in love with the city and decided California was the place for her. Susan quit her job and moved to California with no job and people thought she was crazy. But she has never looked back and has been so happy with her decision from day one. Listen to Susan’s full interview here Connect with Susan – Susan’s website Susan’s Facebook Link Kelsey Grant Not Following – Recently Kelsey and her partner had to move and they found their dream apartment, but her intuition was saying “there is something not right here.” But is was such a huge space and so beautiful that she disregarded her “Yes.” About a month after they moved in, they got an infestation of Pantry Moths and they had to throw everything out. Thirty days after that, their apartment flooded.  And for six months they lived in a construction zone while this was repaired.  Not at all the space they fell in love with. None of this was good for their relationship or their health and wellbeing. In hind sight Kelsey knows that if she had listened to her “Yes” it would have been a much better choice. Following – In 2008 Kelsey got an intuitive hit that she needed to move out of the city she lived in.  She had always been drawn to Vancouver.  Even though she did not know anyone in Vancouver and there was no logical reason to move there, she picked a date and committed to making this move. Once she arrived, she met a group of people who became essential building blocks for her life as she knows it now.  They turned out to be her family and the community she had always been looking for. And a few months later she started her career as a Love and Relationship Educator.  All because she followed her “Yes.” Listen to Kelsey’s full interview here Connect with Kelsey – Kelsey’s website Kelsey’s Facebook Link Kelsey’s Twitter Link Kelsey’s Instagram

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