Follow Your “Yes” Friday – Not following your “Yes” will cost you

Speaking of Partnership: Personal Stories of the Power and Payoffs of Partnership - En podkast av Ken Bechtel

Do you follow your “Yes?” Following your “Yes” is about you taking a step forward in your partnerships by taking action and applying at least one thing you heard from our guests during their interviews this week. On today’s episode, all of this week’s guests have generously provided BONUS MATERIAL, not included in the interviews you listened to earlier this week. Each one has provided incredible examples of the power of following your “Yes”.  Enjoy! Barb Wade Not Following – Barb hired a mentor that was much more of a clear No than a Yes. She was too afraid to do that because in her mind this mentor had everything she wanted. Inside she had a knowing that this mentor was not the right fit.  Barb was in scarcity.  Afraid she would miss something if she didn’t hire her. She built a business that was a not aligned with her purpose and burned her out. Following – Barb had a 7 figure business and all the metrics you are supposed to hit, but her truth was she missed the transformational work she used to do. So she walked away from this business and her Yes let her know that she would be so much happier. From the outside it looked like she was nuts to walk away from what she had built, but things are unfolding beautifully. It was a course correction. Listen to Barb’s full interview here Connect with Barb – – Access to e-book called Love vs. Fear – How to make spirit led choices for a prosperous life. Barb’s Facebook Page Connor Beaton Not Following – Connor had an opportunity to invest to invest quite a bit of money into Tesla when the stock was at $40 and he didn’t. Every part of his intuition was saying “Yes do it!”  You will support a company that you absolutely love probably make quite a bit of money. Six months later the stock had quadrupled in value.  And he missed that opportunity to make enough money to buy a house. And in his current relationship with Kelsey, she was a Yes for him and he ignored it by getting distracted by other people. Unfortunately it took them a while to rebuild the relationship because he was scared of his Yes. Following – When Connor got the idea to start ManTalks, a personal growth company for men. At first he had a clear Yes, but there was a lot of fears of what people would think about him and how they would judge him.  And he was worried about what people would think about the guys that participated. But his Yes was so clear and resounding that he decided to push through those fears and be unattached to the outcomes. As a result of following the clear Yes and setting the fears aside, ManTalks has impacted the lives of thousands of people in a positive way.  Listen to Connor’s full interview here Connect with Connor – ManTalk’s Facebook Page Connor’s Facebook Page

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