Dr. Erica Goodstone – What works is sharing

Speaking of Partnership: Personal Stories of the Power and Payoffs of Partnership - En podkast av Ken Bechtel

Dr. Erica Goodstone, Love Mentor and Relationship Healer, is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Licensed Marriage Therapist, Licensed Massage Therapist practicing body psychotherapy, Certified Sex Therapist, Certified Rubenfeld Synergist, Polarity Therapist, Board Certified Personal/Life and Health/Wellness Coach.  She is a former Professor of Health and Physical Education for over two decades, where she taught about yoga, meditation, wellness, the mind-body- spirit connection, human sexuality and holistic health, decades before health awareness became more mainstream. Dr. Erica helps her clients create and reawaken their love, healing capacity, sexual passion, and intimate connection.  Feeling accepted, appreciated, and acknowledged for their own unique and special gifts, her clients become ready to finally make wise love and healing choices.  For those already in a committed relationship, Dr. Erica helps them turn to their partners with a renewed ability to love, serve and be loved.  After experiencing her work you will never look at love the same way again. Guiding Principle, Quote or Mantra Where there is love there is a way. A way to forgive, to honor yourself and so much more. When You Tripped Up Dr. Erica was looking for a partner to offer trainings with, and she wanted this so much that she did not check them out first and several of them did not follow through. Then she was working on a book deal in partnership with another colleague and they ended up sabotaging the deal with the publisher. Where she tripped up was by not being careful about who she got in partnership with. The “DUH” moment that changed your partnerships forever  Dr. Erica had an online radio show and one day was wondering what was the point of doing it since she did not make money from it.  Then she had a light bulb go off.  She realized that being interviewing experts on summits would still allow her to speak with interesting people and have a greater impact and build connections. Proudest moment in partnership Dr. Erica was putting on a conference and was partnered with a guy who was very meticulous.  This was the opposite of how she normally works, but he made it easy. She kept following the steps her partner gave her and it was a huge success. What is the best partnership / relationship advice you have ever received? “You can get anything you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.” – Zig Ziglar Best Partnership Book The Science of Getting Rich (A Thrifty Book) The Payoff of Partnership When Dr. Erica was first thinking of holding a summit where she would interview Sexologists she told a colleague about it and they said “I’m in.” Just the fact that she had that first one it inspired her to ask others.  Without that partnership she might have never started her summits and given a platform for amazing messages to reach the world. Interview Links – Erica’s website Google+ Twitter Facebook Instagram

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