Iron Fist Season 1 Rewatch: Episodes 9-13
South Side of Wakanda - En podkast av Brittany & Chani

Y'all we made it! We finally finished the first season of Shit Fist AKA Iron Fist. Danny Rand n 'nem cover a lot of ground over the course of these episodes. We pick up with Danny and the rest of the mystery gang trying to get information out of Gao at Colleen’s dojo with little results. Harold has also risen from the dead again with a few less functioning brain cells. Over the course of these 5 episodes We finally get a mini back story for Colleen and where she got her training. Spoiler, it wasn’t a magical monastery, or was it? Ward, the only character with a functioning character arc and acting skills faces the consequences of hiding his father all of this time and then killing him. And Danny rand… well he is the iron fist and he wont let you forget it. We also discuss the latest episode of She Hulk and all of the horrible takes of sensitive, malcontent misogynists of the internet. #girlpower #uterusesoverduderuses