Important Facts about Noise Induced Hearing Loss and How to Protect Yourself

Sound Design Live - Career building interviews on live sound, theatre, AV, recording, and sound system tuning - En podkast av Nathan Lively - Online Courses for Live Sound Engineers ?


Show notes: Support Sound Design Live on Patreon for as little as $1: Jovie Havard Strzelecki  is a Diagnostic and Dispensing Audiologist. We talk about noise induced hearing loss, common hearing loss myths, and what you need to know to stay healthy and protect your most valuable asset. We also discuss vertigo, motion sickness, how to calculate your noise exposure risk, hearing loss rehabilitation, adult stem cell transplant hearing loss, and other alternatives to hearing aids. Details from the podcast: 1. All music in this podcast by Curtis Craig
 - 2. Hair cells are the sensory receptors located within the organ of Corti on a thin basilar membrane in the cochlea of the inner ear. -Wikipedia

 3. Types of hearing loss: 1. Mechanical physical injury/trauma to hair cells from impulse sound. 2. Metabolic/chemical injury from build up of calcium during stress, causing hair cell death from the accumulation of noise exposure. 4. Myths 1. If you have hearing loss, things must be louder in order for you to hear them. 2. If you already have hearing loss, you don't need ear plugs. 5. Science Daily article: Sensory hair cells regenerated, hearing restored in noise-damaged mammal ear
 - 6.
 7. Quotes 1. "Once you have a little bit of hearing loss, especially noise-induced hearing loss, you are more vulnerable to more noise-induced hearing loss." 2. "Hearing tests are almost always covered by health insurance. Hearing aids almost never are."

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