Network Flow and Beyond

Software Engineering Institute (SEI) Podcast Series - En podkast av Members of Technical Staff at the Software Engineering Institute


By the close of 2016, annual global IP traffic will pass the zettabyte ([ZB]; 1000 exabytes [EB]) threshold and will reach 2.3 ZBs per year by 2020, according to Cisco's Visual Networking Index. While capturing and evaluating network traffic enables defenders of large-scale organizational networks to generate security alerts and identify intrusions, operators of networks with even comparatively modest size struggle with building a full, comprehensive view of network activity. To make wise security decisions, operators need to understand the mission activity on their network and the threats to that activity (referred to as network situational awareness). In this podcast, Timothy Shimeall discusses approaches for analyzing network security using and going beyond network flow data to gain situational awareness to improve security. Listen on Apple Podcasts.

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