Blissful Living 4 U - Detoxification and Cleansing Energy with Rochel Marie Lawson

She’s All Over The Place - En podkast av NFT Chonacas - Tirsdager


Known as the Queen of Feeling Fabulous, Rochel Marie Lawson is a successful business owner, registered nurse, Ayurvedic health practitioner, Holistic Health and Wellness consultant, international best selling author, speaker, and radio show hostess. She is the president of Blissful Living 4 U, which was founded to bring holistic wellness, wisdom, and wealth into the lives of individuals seeking a natural path to abundance, health, happiness, peace, prosperity, joy, success, and wealth. Rochel Marie’s energy, guidance, and enthusiasm have helped thousands of people improve their wellness, wisdom (aka mindset), and wealth by utilizing ancient, holistic, and natural principles so that they can step into living the life of their dreams. She has been named one of the Top 50 Women-Owned Businesses in Silicon Valley and is the author of four Best Selling books including “Intro To Holistic Health, Ayurveda Style.” She has her own weekly podcast, Blissful Living, which is hosted on her very own podcast network. She has been a guest writer for several blog publications as well as a featured published blogger on The Wellness Universe as a proud Wellness Universe VIP World Changer. She has been quoted in the Huffington Post, as well as several other media publication outlets. Rochel Marie has spent over 25 years assisting people to achieve, elevate and sustain wellness and wealth through wisdom, to enhance the power of their mind, to transform their lives so that they can live the life of their dreams with more abundance, clarity, energy, happiness, joy, peace, vitality, creativity, wisdom, prosperity, success and wealth. Here are some of the powerful topics we talk about in this very in-depth insightful episode! 3 detox processes Cleanses Belly bloating Liver and Kidney Cleanse Ayurveda - 7 tissues - Dosha Types - Shirodhara Empowering Oneself and the In-Between Tips on When One is Feeling Alone  Acknowledging “bad days” and how to deal and take the “sting” out of it The Comparison Game Acknowledging Our “stuff” Acknowledging Our Emotions Hiding and the Courage not to “hide” Acknowledging the “loud” voices inside your head Emotional Communication Numb to our emotions Fight and flight “mode” AA and drug addicts - who do know understand and know Culture and Society Mental Health Therapy How to Cleanse Your Energy Take the Free Detox Test here: 7 Day Detox here   Connect and Learn more: FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM and TWITTER  @rochelelawson YOUTUBE WEBSITES BLOGS  

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