#90 with Score-nament winners Houston Bodily and Sean Wingblade
Settle the Score - En podkast av Matt Knost - Torsdager

A few weeks back on Settle the Score we had our first ever Score-naments and today your host Matt Knost and musical director Andy Merryweather decided to have the two winners back on to figure out who the true champion of the Score-nament is! So please help us welcome back on to the show your two Score-nament champions Houston Bodily and Sean Wingblade as they duke it out for supremacy in one helluva game! Also, an apology in advance about Matt's audio quality. He was on the road this week so we had to make do with an improvised setup so it's not the best. Thanks for understanding. Make sure to SUBSCRIBE to the podcast and leave a REVIEW/RATING on Apple and Spotify!!! If you'd like to take part in our next fan show you can enter in one of two ways. You can like and retweet the tweet Matt puts out each week promoting that week's show. Or you can leave a comment at https://www.youtube.com/mattknost. For every retweet and comment you leave it just adds your name into the pool that many more times. You can increase your odds by leaving more comments and retweets so fire away! Follow on twitter Matt: https://www.twitter.com/mattknost Andy: https://www.twitter.com/STS_AndyM Houston: https://www.twitter.com/houston_bodily Sean: https://www.twitter.com/seanwingblade