Seinfeld: The Soup | Episode 93 Recap Podcast

Seinfeld: The Post Show Recap | A Podcast About Nothing - En podkast av Seinfeld Episode Reviews and Recaps from Seinfeld Experts Rob Cesternino & Akiva Wienerkur


Listen to the Podcast: Rob Cesternino and Akiva Wienerkur continue their journey to watch every Seinfeld episode as they discuss Season 6, Episode 7, “The Soup.” Seinfeld Post Show Recap: The Soup Rob Cesternino and Akiva Wienerkur aren’t serving any swordfish, but they are bringing you their next recap in the their run through Seinfeld series.  This week, they talk about “The Soup”, which first aired November 10, 1994 as part of season six.  The episode was written by Fred Stoller, who also appears as a character later in season seven.  And as a special treat, Akiva brings his list of top 25 soups, which starts at 1 hour, 12 minutes and 15 seconds into the podcast. Seinfeld related news – Akiva had an email asking him if Misha would really be distracted by Kramer screaming from the bathroom.  Akiva indeed felt this wouldn’t happen, and researched that OJ Simpson himself could have been one to sabotage Misha, since he was at the ’84 Olympics, and in the U.S. in 1994, but Rob didn’t buy this far fetched theory.  Rob shared a piece from Seinfeld2000 on Twitter that had Kanye West’s new rap playing over the Seinfeld theme song.  Lastly, Akiva shared the tweet of the week from @katerade which said “The most unbelievable thing about Seinfeld is that a comedian has three non-comedian friends”. Jerry’s Story – Jerry runs into a fellow comedian named Kenny Bania who has been working out so much that he offers Jerry a brand new suit that doesn’t fit him anymore.  Since Jerry dislikes Bania so much, he doesn’t want to accept it, but everyone else talks him into it.  After accepting the suit, Bania throws in how Jerry can take him out to dinner to pay him back for it.  Jerry and Bania go to Mendy’s for the dinner, where Bania lauds the swordfish, uttering the famous line, “it’s the best Jerry, the best!”.  But Bania only wants soup on this visit, thinking he’ll get his meal another time. At Monk’s Bania joins Jerry and George despite them trying to keep him away.  Jerry convinces Bania to order a sandwich, then immediately tells him that this is the meal, though Bania wants it to be from a restaurant like Mendy’s.  Jerry is adamant that there’ll be no more dinners.  So annoyed by it all, Jerry decides to give Elaine’s boyfriend the suit, right before Bania asks for the suit back.  The episode ends with Elaine sending Bania after her boyfriend in the suit. George’s Story – A new waitress at Monk’s named Kelly has been flirting with George, prompting him to ask her out.  While out on a walk date, George points out how the word manure is actually a refreshing word, which causes Kelly to share that she has a boyfriend.  While discussing the situation later with Jerry, Jerry concludes that Kelly “pulled an audible”  after hearing the manure talk, infuriating George.  In subsequent visits, Kelly gives George the cold shoulder, leading George to be so uncomfortable, he has to start going to Reggie’s to avoid her. After hearing Kramer got Hildy fired from Reggie’s for calling there too much, he decides to sabotage Kelly the same way so he can start going back to Monk’s.  The plan fails miserably when Kelly explains George is Jerry and Elaine’s friend and just trying to get her in trouble.  The manager warns Jerry and Elaine that next time George shows up, he’s going to turn him into a hand puppet. Elaine’s Story – Elaine met a man in England named Simon while on a trip there with Mr. Pitt, and she decided to fly him out to stay with her in New York.  Shortly into his trip, Elaine realizes he’s rude and mooches off of her, leaving her regretting her decision.  By the end of the episode,

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