Seinfeld: The Dinner Party | Episode 77 Recap Podcast

Seinfeld: The Post Show Recap | A Podcast About Nothing - En podkast av Seinfeld Episode Reviews and Recaps from Seinfeld Experts Rob Cesternino & Akiva Wienerkur


Listen to the Podcast: Rob Cesternino and Akiva Wienerkur continue their journey to watch every Seinfeld episode as they discuss Season 5, Episode 13, “The Dinner Party.” Rob Cesternino and Akiva Wienerkur always look to the cookie, but never more so than in this week’s episode, as they recap “The Dinner Party”. The episode first aired February 3, 1994 as part of season five, and was written by Larry David. There was no Seinfeld news this week, but Akiva did point out that the final ten episodes of season five might be his best stretch of episodes in the series run. He also recommended watching Nathan For You on Comedy Central, but will not pay the listeners as he did with Review. Jerry’s opening standup is a bit about the moon landing, flimsily tying into the episode through a small part where George references it. The episode opens at Jerry’s apartment with Elaine complaining about someone saying “Happy New Year” in February, with Jerry concurring. Rob and Akiva agreed that Happy New Year should be out after January 10. They continue to chit chat, talking about how cold it was. George walks in with a puffy Gore-Tex jacket that Elaine and Jerry make fun of, both slapping the puffy part back and forth. Elaine mentions they need to stop and pick up wine for the dinner party they’re all attending. George finds it foolish, adding most people would rather have Pepsi, causing Elaine to remind him they are grown ups. The four are on their way to the dinner party, and Kramer’s heater isn’t working. George protests having to get a cake in addition to the wine, instead thinking they could just get some Ring Dings at the liquor store. After Kramer drops Elaine and Jerry at the bakery, he and George struggle to find a parking spot, so George suggests double parking. Kramer objects, not wanting to get anymore parking tickets. At the bakery, Jerry notices a black and white cookie and goes on a diatribe about the racial equality the cookie brings. Jerry and Elaine forget to grab a number in line, and decide to ask the people who jumped ahead to switch numbers, but the couple is rude about it. Elaine realizes she knows them, and that they are going to the same party. Rob wondered why they didn’t just ask the couple to just also order their dessert for them, instead of switching tickets. The couple’s number is called, and they order the very same chocolate babka Elaine wanted. When Elaine threatens to tell the party how rude they are, the woman points out they’ll be there first and tell everyone how rude Elaine is. Meanwhile, Kramer and George try to buy the wine, but the clerk won’t take George’s $100 bill. They go out to the newsstand to break the bill, but the newsstand guy makes George buy more than gum to do it, causing Kramer to pick out a newspaper, Clark bar and a Penthouse Forum Magazine. Jerry and Elaine now have to pick a new dessert since the chocolate babka is now gone. They go with the lesser cinnamon babka, and it turns out it has a hair on it. They are forced to take a new number rather than swap it out. While they wait in line, Jerry eats his black and white cookie, going on about it’s symbolism. After paying for the wine, George and Kramer see that someone has double parked, blocking them in their spot. George can’t believe that they can put a man on the moon, but people are still stupid enough to double park and not leave a note. Back at the bakery, Elaine is complaining that they are waiting for the new babka, but Jerry tells a traumatic story about freaking out and running for hours after finding a hair in his farina . As George and Kramer still wait for the double parker, George expresses how he’s scared to deal with Elaine, talking about how Elaine once pulled a hat down over his head when she was mad at him.

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