Seincast 025 - The Cafe
Seincast: A Seinfeld Podcast - En podkast av Seincast
"Where are people? You see people? Show me people! THERE ARE NO PEOPLE!"
Oh, hello, professor! Pull up a chair, have some franks and beans, and join us for our discussion of the seventh episode from season three, "The Cafe!"
- 4:10 - Seinfeld "News"
- 5:53 - Episode Trivia
- 13:23 - Episode Discussion
- 52:55 - Commercial Break
- 75:16 - Episode Ratings
Links from our discussion:
- "Sein Off: Inside the Final Days of Seinfeld"
- Festivus gifts
- Blurb about Seincast in podcast article by Laura Kane
- Bazooka Joe
- "Bubble Boy" trailer starring Jake Gyllenhaal
- Beatles/Seinfeld mashup by Redditor 555--FILK
- Jerry Seinfeld and the Hanukkah bush
- "It's a mad house!!!"
- Bloopers from "The Cafe"
We want to hear from you, and what you think of the show/love about Seinfeld!
- [email protected]
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- Buy Seinfeld on DVD
- Episode guide we follow
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