Ep. 21 - Minority Report vs Logan's Run
Science vs Fiction - En podkast av Science vs Fiction

This week we tackle two movies about characters who go from being cogs in a corrupt system to burning that very system to the ground--in one case literally! In Minority Report (2002), Steven Spielberg's action-packed and brain-bending adaptation of the Philip K. Dick story, Tom Cruise races against time to prove his innocence for a crime he has yet to commit. In Logan's Run (1976), Michael York--a 35-year-old actor playing a 26-year-old character in a story that's supposedly about youth--goes on the... um... run to escape from a utopia where everyone's needs are provided for until they are too old to enjoy new pop music. Is technology a proper substitute for good old-fashioned police work? In the future, will teleportation be used exclusively for late-night booty calls? How many different types of sci-fi tech can you cram into a single movie without breaking it? And why on Earth would a robot have lips and a tongue? All this, plus everything you never wanted to know about eyeball transplants on this fast-paced episode of Science vs Fiction!