Say It Skillfully™ - Career transitions, what to do if someone talks too much and more...

Say It Skillfully® - En podkast av Molly Tschang

Say It Skillfully™ helps you benefit from Molly Tschang’s expert guidance on the best possible ways to speak your mind at work in a positive and productive manner. Episode 7 starts with the flip-side to “If you’re good enough, you’re old enough.” What’s it like to be later in career aspiring to re-invent? Molly’s 1st guest, Simon, aware of bias that non-digital natives are “definitionally irrelevant” shows his vulnerability as he shares his experience along the way to the CEO ranks. Hear thought-provoking questions about what’s next on his journey. Cathy called in about getting through to a colleague who attempts to save time by cutting corners, but unintentionally creates fire drills for everyone else (34:30). And Brian, who in the past turned a blind eye to a respected colleague’s tendency to be a top talker, was keen for options to skillfully help his colleague say less and add more value (47:30). Join Molly as you learn to navigate work while being invaluable and true to yourself.

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