There Is No "Us or Them" at the Cross with Jason Clark
Rethinking God with Tacos PODCAST - En podkast av Jason Clark

This podcast highlights Jason’s book, Leaving and finding Jesus, where he writes about his deconstructing faith journey. The book is Jason’s Emmaus Road discovery of a love that is reconciling all creation; a journey where he’s awakening to a burning heart while leaving every Jesus who won’t lay His life down for His friends. This podcast features a message Jason gave at an icuTalks where he addresses trauma within the church. He confronts the myth of separation with the truth that absolutely nothing, not life or death, powers or authorities, not present or future, not our understandings, beliefs, systems, or actions, nothing separates us from the reconciling love of God. To Pre-Purchase, CLICK HERE Please rate, review, share, and subscribe!