121 \\ Get Better Sleep for Peak Performance + Create a Summer Schedule for Fitness, Family and Faith Focus
Reps & Redemption | Christian Wellness, Mom Strength Training, Fitness Motivation, Biblical Health, Time-Saving Fitness, Energy Boosting Workouts, Fitness Goals for Moms, Holistic Health, Health Coach - En podkast av Ashley Harvey | Christian Health Coach, Nutrition Coach
Hey there friend! I've been wanting to update you on all the things Reps and Redemption, and today is the episode. In episode 121, I will be sharing what I have been learning about sleep and the importance of restorative sleep for athletic peak performance. Motherhood is a beautifully chaotic mess and sometimes we need to be reminded that we should get rest AND sleep, to be the better version of ourselves. Join the episode today and don't forget to share it with a fellow mom! Be bold, Live well. Ashley CONNECT with me [email protected] Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/repsandredemptioncommunity Instagram www.instagram.com/ashrepsandredemption Speak Pipe Me! https://www.speakpipe.com/RepsAndRedemptionPodcast