105 \\ Love of your Home for the Healthy Mom
Reps & Redemption | Christian Wellness, Mom Strength Training, Fitness Motivation, Biblical Health, Time-Saving Fitness, Energy Boosting Workouts, Fitness Goals for Moms, Holistic Health, Health Coach - En podkast av Ashley Harvey | Christian Health Coach, Nutrition Coach
Do you want a peaceful home? What would it look like to prepare your week for success? I don't know about you but sometimes I tend to overcomplicate or analyze simple tasks. Perhaps my experiences with loving my home will help you in your journey. I would LOVE to know how you love your home, feel free to connect with me. CONNECT Instagram www.instagram.com/ashrepsandredemption Speak Pipe Me! https://www.speakpipe.com/RepsAndRedemptionPodcast My Vision Before 10 AM personal quiet time + COFFEE :) jiu-jitsu or stretching Feed Starter / Prep Bread if on schedule Unload Dishwasher / clear counters Healthy Breakfast for me and my people Kids dressed for the day Read the Bible to my people or listen to the Bible via Ap Sweep (downstairs) Start a load of laundry / switch laundry over Prep Diaper Bag + Gym Bag if needed Read Books or play for a few minutes with my girls What's your list look like?!