We don't want you to go either
Remember When - En podkast av Parris and Jay

It's the TARDIS' fault. She kept us from recording a podcast earlier by trapping us in an alternate dimension. Thanks to a little Time Lord ingenuity and a paper clip, Remember When is back on course with our long awaited, often discussed Doctor Who episode. Dedicated entirely to the Man From Gallifrey, Episode 42 talks about Doctor Who as it's existed in the past 7 years. We look back at the eras of Eccleston and Tennant and talk about their respective runs, why we love Tennant, and why Eccleston pales in comparison. Jay and Parris both discuss their respective introductions to the show, and how they came to regard it as they binged on some of the better sci-fi from across the pond. Covering Series 1 through 4 and the final specials of David Tennant, this podcast is spoiler-laden and covers a wide range of topics. We look back at the definitive moments when we loved the Doctor, rank the companions in terms of most awesome to least awesome (and hottest to Rose), give each season a score, and talk about what it was like to come into this show. After a legacy that's run nearly half a century long, our only regret is that we wish we'd had more time to talk about Doctor Who. There are dozens of other topics we'd love to have discussed. As always, we thank our fans for their continued support and appreciation of the podcast. If you'd like to leave us feedback, please feel free to give us a shout at our email address, or leave us a voicemail at 206-495-1732 (long distance charges may apply). You can also join our Facebook group for up-to-the-minute information on our podcast releases, a first look at our upcoming live recording sessions, and to communicate with us and your fellow Remember When fans in between shows. Check it out at http://facebook.com/rwpodcast. You can also follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/rwpodcast