Got any bubble gum?
Remember When - En podkast av Parris and Jay

Got any bubble gum? OBEY! CONSUME! And most of all, kick a**. The leading themes in "They Live", John Carpenter's cult film from the 80's, bring us back into a new episode of Remember When. Parris has never seen this little gem of cinema before, and takes time to sit down and watch Rowdy Roddy Piper in one of his greatest performances of all time. We talk about how the movie holds up over the past 25 years, and how some of its themes have become far more relevant in modern times than they were when the movie first released. Parris comes back from his viewing of Abe Lincoln Vampire Hunter with an admission of his own, and Jay talks about how a second viewing of Prometheus helped to alleviate his ambivalence towards the movie. Both of us have had second helpings of The Avengers as well, and we spend some time talking about the state of Superhero movies in the industry. Then we progress into a series of fun, wild tangents through the state of TV as we get caught up on the ending of Mad Men, the sad progression of the latest season of True Blood, and the teasers for the new seasons of The Walking Dead and Breaking Bad. Episode 51 is coming in a few weeks and will be dedicated to one of the summer's most anticipated blockbuster titles. Tune in on the weekend of the 21st for our in-depth analysis of The Lorax! Or maybe we'll take our time and see something less amusing... As we do every episode, we'd like to take this opportunity to give thanks to our many fans who encourage us, support us, and share their appreciation for the show. Remember When is a product of love, and we do this because of all the wonderful people in our listenership who share our passions, who agree and disagree with us, and then offer to buy us a drink if we're ever in their town. Thank you to all of you. Between shows, we keep up with fans on our Facebook page at, through our Twitter account at, or on the web at Time stamps: 0:00 to 4:55 - Intro, show notes4:55 to 16:40 - They Live (lots of spoilers for the movie)16:40 to 23:28 - Parris' confession about Abe Lincoln Vampire Hunter (spoiler laden)23: 28 to 34:50 - Jay's second viewing of Prometheus, and talk about the Blu-ray release (again, lots of spoilers)34:50 to 38:52 - Breaking Bad, Joss Whedon, Cabin in the Woods, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (very minor spoilers)38:52 to 46:00 - Brave, Monsters University trailer and the overall state of Pixar (minor spoilers for Monsters Inc and a few other Pixar movies, but none for Brave)46:00 to 53:22 - True Blood (lots of spoilers for this season)53:22 to 1:03:50 - Closing out the Mad Men season (lots of spoilers)1:03:50 to end - The Walking Dead, more Breaking Bad, The Shield, Insomnia, Chris Nolan (incredibly minor spoilers)