Hartmut Lehmann | Fatal Coincidences in 1933: Nazism's Triumph & Martin Luther's 450th Birthday

Religion & Teologi - En podkast av Centrum för Teologi & Religionsvetenskap

This episode is one of four, re-podcasting of lectures from honorary doctors of the joint faculties of Humanities and Theology, Lund University. This is the second part, with Hartmut Lehmann, who 2017 gave a talk under the the title "Fatal Coincidences in 1933: Nazism’s Triumph and Martin Luther’s 450th Birthday". Hartmut Lehmann is a German historian and honorary professor in church history at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität in Kiel. He has been the director of the German Historical Institute in Washington D.C., and of the Max-Planck Institute for History in Göttingen. Lehmann is a Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and member of the Göttingen Academy of Wissenschaften. For a long time, his focus has been on church history, in particular the Reformation and Reformation jubilees, pietism, as well as the church and national socialism. And national socialism is also at the center of the lecture Lehmann gave.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Religion and Theology is produced by Joel Kuhlin for the Center for Theology and Religious Studies. If you have comments or critique of this episode, or any other episodes of R&T, please write an email to [email protected]. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A special thank you to Martin Degrell of the podcast HT-samtal and the trio Nous (Thomas Hellsten, Tom Tveita, Per Boqvist).

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