What is EGO in spirituality? (know this & CHANGE your life FOREVER!)
The Clark Kegley Podcast - En podkast av Clark Kegley - Refusing to Settle
I see lots of videos, books, etc talking about the concept of an EGO. In my opinion, this is the most OVER complicated and overused word in the entire self-development, spirituality world. So in this video, we’re going to (attempt) to explain the concept of an EGO at a 5th-grade level *my level* - so that we can see how it’s holding us back AND how integrating it is very powerful. WHAT IS EGO? The EGO in one sentence: What we think we are. I AM the things I have, I AM my friends, I AM my job/status, I AM my past experiences make up me, etc. But this identity is NOT you at your core. Some unchanging constant that is you. i.e. INCEPTION: (Constant concept) - this is what a spiritual practice is. (some religion) TEMP. IMMORTAL SOUL. Temporary human body - the infinite soul. On earth, we can only observe and interact. BODY ARMOR: So we need armor (body) - think of it like scuba suit when diving underwater. Protect us. This is what the EGO is. Shield to separate us by definition. EGO knows a limited life span so it produces FEAR and STRESS for SURVIVAL. Immortality Complexes to keep us alive. E.G.O. - Edging God Out Wayne Dyer. We are ALL connected - Ego is the “I or ME” that separates us and divides us. In 2020 no secret ego energy is RAMPANT - turn on any news for 5 seconds divisive Wayne Dyer says EGO stands for: EDGING GOD OUT. Whatever god is to you: higher self, universal consciousness, something connects us all. But this identity is NOT you at your core. Who you are is always changing so it CAN’T be true. Been said we are immortal spiritual beings having a temper humans experience. Ego wants MORE and MORE. Hedonism. Primal Urges. Strong Masculine energy. Five senses only and sensual extremes. SOUL: some call “6th Sense” or Higher Self, Awakening, Third Eye, Empath, Star seed, call whatever you want. Refusing to settle, Clark