POWERFUL Morning Rituals of Steve Jobs, Tony Robbins, Oprah, Obama, Tim Ferriss, and more

The Clark Kegley Podcast - En podkast av Clark Kegley - Refusing to Settle


BIG NEWS! If you've been on the YouTube channel this past month you've heard me blab on about working on my NEW course, "Morning Ritual Secrets STOKED to announce... registration is OPEN! Click here to grab your spot in the limited edition Morning Ritual Secrets program! ➡ http://bit.ly/MorningRitualSecrets In this video we're talking about the morning rituals of steve jobs, ben franklin, tony robbins, obama, oprah, tim ferriss and more! These are some simple tips on what to do in the morning and in your morning routine or morning ritual for success. #MORNINGRITUAL #MORNINGROUTINE #REFUSINGTOSETTLE In this video we are going to be talking about morning rituals, not just any rituals, but rituals of the people at the top of their class. These are peak performers, entrepreneurs, celebrities, famous figures, and I'll give you their morning rituals so you can pick and choose and kind of Frankenstein your own morning ritual to get the best results. Steam motivated, energized all day long. It's Clarke with the feud and the settle. Let's go one second. Got a Oh breaking open. The LA crux. Is it LaCroix LA crux? I can never know. I call it Lux. I think it makes people a little angry. I am on a golf course right now, just moved down to beautiful Scottsdale, Arizona from gloomy Seattle and our stuff is currently somewhere in Arizona. It could be a hundred miles away, a thousand miles away. I don't know. So I don't have any film gear, a tripod, but the blessing in disguise because we get to get outside together and go through some morning rituals. You ready start off with Benjamin Franklin. He says what he does for morning rituals. I rise early almost every morning. I sit in my chamber without any clothes, whatever, reading or writing. You don't have to sit naked in a chamber, but that's what he does. He gets up early, he sits butt ass naked and he writes or reads for an hour or half hour every single morning and well, we can take away a lot of people have some sort of practice first thing in the morning where they're journaling, where they're reading, where they're reflecting, they're feeding their minds. And we'll talk a little bit more about why that's important and a little bit. Let's keep going. Another person at the top, Tony Robbins, he's a American motivational speaker. Uh, pretty much the top of the top. When you say motivational speaker, you think of Tony Robbins. Here's what he does first thing in the morning. He focuses on priming himself. Now there's three things he does when he's priming. First is he does three sets of a breathwork that I cannot pronounce. I'll put it right here, what it's called, but to my knowledge, it's a breath work where it's a inhale Hill. It's like a 30 or so of those. When I was reading his book unlimited power. He does this because it's has to do with clearing your lymphatic system. Not to mention the insane rush you get when you get an oxygen high. Okay? Like it's a natural high. We have a video with Wim Hoff on it and we talk about breathwork a lot. I'll tell you where in a little bit. Next thing Tony Robbins does is he practices gratitude with his eyes closed. Then he prays and asks for guidance throughout the day. Now I went deeper, I went deeper into Tony and I found some videos on YouTube of him doing his morning routine and it gets weirder. It gets crazier. Guys, it looks like it gets more fun. He had this one machine where he works out but only for 10 minutes. Okay. He had a reporter go to his house and Fiji and he would walk in his room and there's all these different machines and they look like torture device. What they do is there's no weights on these machines, so he's pushing against it and it uses some sort of resistance. I guess he's a co owner of it and it it the, the goal is just to flex your muscles as hard as you can go and he has 10 minutes of that and says it's as effective if not more effective with less strain than actually lifting weights and exercising. Okay. The next thing Tony does, which I thought was fascinating, he does a Scandinavian practice where he alternates between extreme hot and extreme cold. Okay. So he gets in the sauna, he sits there and then he has a cold plunge in his house. It's like a five foot sinkhole that's as cold as it can get without freezing and he jumps into that. There's a lot of benefits to cold exposure, whether it's cold showers or the Wim Hof method. Right. Or if you got a cold river around you, that's it. He can look into that further. So cold water exposure thought that was fascinating with Tony. Next people we're going to talk about are Oprah, Obama, Tim Ferris, Steve jobs, and then I got some rapid fire. Okay, so a lot more to come. But I want to briefly touch on why is it important first thing in the morning and it's so powerful. I've been geeking out.... Refusing to settle, Clark

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