Introducing and Interpreting Karl Barth

Reformed Forum - En podkast av Reformed Forum

Jim Cassidy and Camden Bucey bring in the New Year with a discussion of bible reading plans, tools, and strategies. They preview several of the projects that lay ahead at Reformed Forum, including a new course on the theology of Karl Barth. Dr. Cassidy introduces a list of recommended reading on Karl Barth and different interpretations of the theologian's theology before speaking about Barth’s unique Christology. Recommended Reading on Karl Barth Karl Barth, Church Dogmatics Karl Barth, Der Römerbrief; The Epistle to the Romans Cornelius Van Til, Christianity and Barthianism Cornelius Van Til, The New Modernism: An Appraisal of the Theology of Barth and Brunner James Cassidy, God’s Time for Us George Hunsinger, How to Read Karl Barth: The Shape of His Theology Bruce McCormack, Karl Barth’s Critically Realistic Dialectical Theology: Its Genesis and Development 1909–1936 Bruce McCormack, “Grace and Being: The Role of God’s Gracious Election in Karl Barth’s Theological Ontology” in The Cambridge Companion to Karl Barth Eberhard Busch, Karl Barth: His Life from Letters and Autobiographical Texts Christiane Tietz, Karl Barth: A Life in Conflict Tyler J. Frick, Karl Barth’s Ontology of Divine Grace Bruce McCormack, The Humility of the Eternal Son: Reformed Kenoticism and the Repair of Chalcedon Paul T. Nimmo, Being in Action: The Theological Shape of Barth’s Ethical Vision

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