4-03 A Face in Need of a Fist (The Occupation)

Rebel Heir - En podkast av Greg and Khaki


Star Wars Rebels Season 4 Episode 03: The Occupation  The Ghost crew returns to Lothal to face a new threat. Submit corrections to us here: Bit.ly/BothanReport First aired on October 30, 2017, written by Christopher Yost and directed by Steward Lee. Episode Recap begins at 0:19:11 Running of the Hoods: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cj9kH6gKMVI Dave Filoni Hockey Jersey: https://www.nhl.com/video/getting-to-know-dave-filoni/t-277350912/c-11364216 Music by Zen_Man Cover Art by Cherriielle

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