Audio Editing with Time Selections in Reaper with OSARA – 03

ReaProducer - Accessible Audio Production with Reaper - En podkast av Garth Humphreys


if you’re following these tutorials along on the Mac, make sure you get the latest build of OSARA and update your key map. In this third of a series of beginner tutorials, we finally get a bit of editing done using time selections. The context sensitive nature of Reaper is discussed along with some further navigational and editing techniques. These include selecting and moving between items, scrubbing, moving by beats or measures, making and refining time selections, previewing your edit and the implications of your zoom factor. Keyboard Shortcuts Mentioned Left Arrow View: Move cursor left one pixel Right Arrow View: Move cursor right one pixel Command+Left Arrow Item navigation: Select and move to previous item Command+Right Arrow Item navigation: Select and move to next item Page Up Move edit cursor back one measure Page Down Move edit cursor forward one measure Command+Page Up Move edit cursor back one beat Command+Page Down Move edit cursor forward one beat Delete OSARA: Remove items/tracks/contents of time selection/markers/envelope points (depending on focus) [ Time selection: Set start point ] Time selection: Set end point Option+[ Time selection: Nudge left edge left Option+] Time selection: Nudge left edge right Command+[ Time selection: Nudge right edge left Command+] Time selection: Nudge right edge right Option+Space Transport: Play (skip time selection) Shift+Home Custom: Select from cursor to start of project Shift+End Custom: Select from cursor to end of project Option+Shift+- or NumPad- View: Zoom out horizontal Option+Shift+= or NumPad +View: Zoom in horizontal