#37 Rule over the shells with Sultan

Python Bytes - En podkast av Michael Kennedy and Brian Okken


Brian #1: New URL for Python Developer’s Guide

  • How to contribute to CPython

Some really useful links that I hadn’t noticed before. Also great ideas to include in a contributing guide for any large open source project:

Michael #2: Sultan: Command and Rule Over Your Shell

  • Python package for interfacing with command-line utilities, like yum, apt-get, or ls, in a Pythonic manner

Simple example

from sultan.api import Sultan
s = Sultan()
s.sudo("yum install -y tree").run()

Better in a context manager:

from sultan.api import Sultan

with Sultan.load(sudo=True) as s:
  s.yum("install -y tree").run()

Even works remotely:

from sultan.api import Sultan

with Sultan.load(sudo=True, hostname="myserver.com") as sultan:
  sultan.yum("install -y tree").run()

Brian #3: Flake8Lint

  • Sublime Text plugin for lint Python files.
  • Includes these linters and style checkers:
    • Flake8 (used in "Python Flake8 Lint") is a wrapper around these tools:
    • pep8 is a tool to check your Python code against some of the style conventions in PEP8.
    • PyFlakes checks only for logical errors in programs; it does not perform any check on style.
    • mccabe is a code complexity checker. It is quite useful to detect over-complex code. According to McCabe, anything that goes beyond 10 is too complex. See Cyclomatic_complexity.
    • There are additional tools used to lint Python files:
    • pydocstyle is a static analysis tool for checking compliance with Python PEP257.
    • pep8-naming is a naming convention checker for Python.
    • flake8-debugger is a flake8 debug statement checker.
    • flake8-import-order is a flake8 plugin that checks import order in the fashion of the Google Python Style Guide (turned off by default).

Michael #4: Magic Wormhole

  • Get things from one computer to another, safely.
  • A library and a command-line tool named wormhole, which makes it possible to get arbitrary-sized files and directories (or short pieces of text) from one computer to another.
  • The two endpoints are identified by using identical "wormhole codes”
  • Video from PyCon 2016: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFrTqQw0_3c
  • The codes are short and human-pronounceable, using a phonetically-distinct wordlist.
  • As a library too: The wormhole module makes it possible for other applications to use these code-protected channels.

Brian #5: Python Virtual Environments Primer

  • why do we need virtual environments
  • what are they
  • how to use them / how do they work
  • also
    • virtualenvwrapper
    • using different versions of python
    • pyvenv

Michael #6: How Rust can replace C, with Python's help

  • Why Rust? Rust has
    • a type system feature that helps eliminate memory leaks,
    • proper interfaces, called 'traits',
    • better type inference,
    • better support for concurrency,
    • (almost) first-class functions that can be passed as arguments.
  • It isn’t difficult to expose Rust code to Python. A Rust library can expose a C ABI (application binary interface) to Python without too much work.
  • Some Rust crates (as Rust packages are called) already expose Python bindings to make them useful in Python.
  • A new spate of projects are making it easier to develop Rust libraries with convenient bindings to Python – and to deploy Python packages that have Rust binaries
  • Rust-CPython:
    • What it is: A set of bindings in Rust for the CPython runtime. This allows a Rust program to connect to CPython, use its ABI, run Python programs through it, and work with representations of Python objects in Rust itself.
    • Who it’s for: Rust programmers who want to hook into CPython and control it from the inside out.
  • PyO3
    • What it is: For Rust developers, the PyO3 project provides a basic way to write Rust software with bindings to Python in both directions. A Rust program can interface with Python objects and the Python interpreter, and can expose Rust methods to a Python program in the same way a C module does.
    • Who it’s for: Those writing modules that work closely with the Python runtime, and need to interact directly with it.
  • Snaek
    • What it is: Another project in the early stages, Snaek lets developers create Rust libraries that are loaded dynamically into Python as needed, but don’t rely on being linked statically against Python’s runtime.
    • Doesn’t use CTypes but CFFI
    • Who it’s for: Those who want to expose methods written in Rust to a Python script, or for Rust developers who don’t want or need to become familiar with Python.
  • And there is a cookiecutter project / template too

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