Transmission from the soul
Portal to Ascension Radio - En podkast av Neil Gaur - Portal to Ascension

Andena Sananda Kumara de Melchizedek (aka Angela Anderson) lives her truth, Soul Integrated, as an Embodied, Heart-Centered Conduit of Divine Frequency. As Divine Channel, Andena anchors a frequency which activates, within the Resonant field of all who Choose to Align and Attune, a Multidimensional Event which Ignites Awareness of the Innate Collective Truth that we are the Divine Source of ALL Creation, Harmonically Expressed through the Manifest Instrument of Form. Upon receipt of this Divine Frequency Emanation, is the Conscious Awareness shifted on the Quantum scale, through all levels of Existence. The result being akin to the Entanglement effect of striking a single tuning fork, in which all resonant tuning forks within proximity will also vibrate. This act Transmutes Distortions, or Misperceptions, created through the lens of Limiting Belief, providing Opportunity to more Authentically project and interact with a Resonant Field Imbued with and as Pure Source Essence. This shift in Awareness further facilitates one's capacity to Honor the Art of Becoming, through the subtle Mastery of BEing as the Fullness of the True Divine, thereby ushering in a more pleasurable Life Experience. To this end, Andena serves as Quantum Energy Alchemist of The All. One through whom Conscious Awareness of the Unified Field is Articulated in Alignment to and with its True Spiritual Essence. Through her company Andena Sananda Kumara LLC, Andena provides private, personal and group sessions in the form of Discussion, Meditation, Qigong, as well as, Beautiful Multidimensional Frequency Emanations/Transmissions through Vocal Expression, Art and Video Content. All serves as Divine Keys, unlocking the doors to one’s continuous and progressively Unfolding Journey of Self Discovery. If you feel moved to explore the Conscious landscape accompanied by the guidance of Andena, we invite you to visit and select your Path of Engagement via our Service Offerings at