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Pista de fusta - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio


Per sort, nosaltres els convertim, com us hem convertit a vosaltres. Que el ball sigui al nostre cor sempre. Avui, material altament ballable. 01 Acopia - "Disengaged" 02 Florentino & Alan Vega & MJ Nebreda - "Pressure c�mbia feat. Shygirl" 03 Poncelam - "Prioridades" 04 Green T - "PT2" 05 ÄTNA - 'Turn back time no more" 06 Machinedrum - "GROWUP (feat. Kilo Kosh)" 07 Ame - "Shadow of love feat. Curses" 08 Carlita Trouble - "Symphony feat. DJ Tennis" 09 Nikki Carvell - "Life is a groove" 10 SOS - "Pagan acid" 11 Waze x Life On Planets - "Bang" 12 Franz Matthews - "Symmetric dance" 13 Pavement Special - "The key" 14 Dorothys Fortress - "Throw the D" 15 Anti Up - "9 of 10" 16 Le Boom - "All I need"