DJ convidat: DJ KOSMOS
Pista de fusta - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio

Albert Masferrer porta tres d�cades fent activisme musical a les cabines de Barcelona, Espanya i Europa. Clubs, segells i ara el programa de r�dio "303" a Betev�. Amic admirat, per fi passa a repartir saviesa a la nostra cabina. Volum alt, si us plau. 01 The Postal Service - "The district sleeps alone tonight (Sylvan Esso remix)" 02 Azzura "Paraiso '89" 03 Radio Slave "Amnesia (Lindstrom extended mix)" 04 Tuff Little Unit "Join the future" 05 Cabaret Voltaire "Back to Brazilia" 06 Colourbox "Looks like we're a shy one horse" 07 A Number of Names "Shari vari" 08 Fuck Buttons "Sweet love for planet Earth (Andrew Weatherall remix)" 09 Banco De Gaia "Kincajou" 10 Bochum Welt "That's mutuality" 11 Soul Connection "Change / Love" 12 Alex Chapman - "Stay the weekend (feat. Uffie)" 13 musclecars, Craig Handfield - "I don't remember the last time i saw stars"