DJ convidat: DJ KOSMOS

Pista de fusta - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio


Albert Masferrer porta tres d�cades fent activisme musical a les cabines de Barcelona, Espanya i Europa. Clubs, segells i ara el programa de r�dio "303" a Betev�. Amic admirat, per fi passa a repartir saviesa a la nostra cabina. Volum alt, si us plau. 01 The Postal Service - "The district sleeps alone tonight (Sylvan Esso remix)" 02 Azzura – "Paraiso '89" 03 Radio Slave – "Amnesia (Lindstrom extended mix)" 04 Tuff Little Unit – "Join the future" 05 Cabaret Voltaire – "Back to Brazilia" 06 Colourbox – "Looks like we're a shy one horse" 07 A Number of Names – "Shari vari" 08 Fuck Buttons – "Sweet love for planet Earth (Andrew Weatherall remix)" 09 Banco De Gaia – "Kincajou" 10 Bochum Welt – "That's mutuality" 11 Soul Connection – "Change / Love" 12 Alex Chapman - "Stay the weekend (feat. Uffie)" 13 musclecars, Craig Handfield - "I don't remember the last time i saw stars"