D'amor, pluja i collita
Pista de fusta - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio

Totes les can�ons d'avui s�n de ball, per� les arestes tem�tiques van segons el lloc on es ballen i es canten. La pista �s l'ONU del ball, i Miqui Puig, el seu comissionat delegat. 01 Clubhouse Something - "One more time " 02 Camar�o Orkestra - "Na��o �frica (Patchworks remix)" 03 Parcels - "Leaveyourlove (with Robert Owens, Tobi Neumann)" 04 Paul Johnson - "Get get down" 05 Joel Sarakula - "Bird of paradise" 06 Terry Hunter - "Harvest for the world" 07 Micky More & Andy Tee - "The rhythm (feat. Roland Clark)" 08 Revival House Project - "Moving on up" 09 Matthew James - "Gangster" 10 Blue Pearl - "Naked in the rain I ( Block & Crown Spolverato mix)" 11 MuSol And Davos - "Party people" 12 Ros T - "Can of worms" 13 IVGI - "Feel the groove" 14 Deeplomatik - "The beginning" 15 Gok Wan & House Gospel Choir - "Deeper love (a tribute to Alison)"