Avantguarda, ombres i ona curta
Pista de fusta - En podkast av Catalunya R�dio

Com llambregades, com corrents el�ctrics d'alt voltatge: aix� arriba avui la pista, tota plena de novetats que voregen el menys comercial per fer-nos part�cips del creixement de la m�sica de ball. 01 Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp - "Smiling like a flower (dubby july)" 02 The Cravats with Paul Hartnoll - "S�ance (The Paul Hartnoll dance remix)" 03 Lex Wolf - "Russie love" 04 Decius - "Walking in the heat" 05 Kisem - "Feel the groove" 06 Nicky Genesis - "Supernatural (extended mix)" 07 Clementine Douglas - "Slippin'" 08 Shdws - "Hit the floor" 09 Tom Crane - "This is for the radio" 10 CASSIMM - "Need your love (Mao Silgrand extended remix) 11 BL3SS & CamrinWatsin - "Kisses ft. bbyclose (Ape Rave club bootleg) 12 A Man Called Adam - "I feel it everywhere (Sensory Productions remix) 13 Hookermusicman - "Ecletticopop" 14 Peggy Gou - "1+1=11 (Koreless' beatless mix)"