Staying Productive During Hiatus (PT126)

Paper Team - En podkast av Alex Freedman & Nick Watson

Alex and Nick discuss ways of surviving your hiatus and staying productive during the off season.

Why is being active all year long important? How do you look for a next job? How do you keep in touch during a hiatus? Why are hobbies and social interactions vital? How can you keep yourself healthy and financially stable?

Plus, we make three major Paper Team announcements about what is coming up.

The Paper Team doesn't wait...

Announcements: WonderCon 2019, TV writing programs, final Paper Tease (00:23)
1 - Why staying active during a hiatus is important (04:02)
2 - Being productive in your writing (08:22)
3 - The importance of hobbies (12:10)
4 - Social interactions (15:24)
5 - Fitness and health (17:34)
6 - Money and finances (20:36)
Final advice and next Week On (23:38)

Details of Paper Team at WonderCon 2019
"The TV Writer’s Mindset: Dealing With Procrastination, Blank Page, and the Muse" (PT17)
"Managing Finances as an Assistant & Staff Writer" (PT16)
"Supplemental Income for Writers" (PT35)

Special thanks to Alex Switzky for helping us edit this episode.

If you enjoyed this episode (and others), please consider leaving us an iTunes review at! :)

You can find Paper Team on Twitter:
Alex - @TVCalling
Nick - @_njwatson
If you have any questions, comments or feedback, you can e-mail us: [email protected]

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