MySQL Security - Part 2

Oracle University Podcast - En podkast av Oracle Corporation - Tirsdager


Picking up from Part 1, hosts Lois Houston and Nikita Abraham continue their deep dive into MySQL security with MySQL Solution Engineer Ravish Patel. In this episode, they focus on user authentication techniques and tools such as MySQL Enterprise Audit and MySQL Enterprise Firewall.   MySQL 8.4 Essentials: Oracle University Learning Community: LinkedIn: X:   Special thanks to Arijit Ghosh, David Wright, Kris-Ann Nansen, Radhika Banka, and the OU Studio Team for helping us create this episode.   --------------------------------------------------------   Episode Transcript:   00:00 Welcome to the Oracle University Podcast, the first stop on your cloud journey. During this series of informative  podcasts, we’ll bring you foundational training on the most popular Oracle technologies. Let’s get started! 00:25 Nikita: Welcome to the Oracle University Podcast! I’m Nikita Abraham, Team Lead of Editorial Services with Oracle University, and with me is Lois Houston, Director of Innovation Programs. Lois: Hi everyone! Last week, we began exploring MySQL security, covering regulatory compliance and common security threats.  Nikita: This week, we’re continuing the conversation by digging deeper into MySQL’s user authentication methods and taking a closer look at some powerful security tools in the MySQL Enterprise suite. 00:57 Lois: And we’re joined once again by Ravish Patel, a MySQL Solution Engineer here at Oracle. Welcome, Ravish! How does user authentication work in MySQL? Ravish: MySQL authenticates users by storing account details in a system database. These accounts are authenticated with three elements, username and hostname commonly separated with an @ sign along with a password.  The account identifier has the username and host. The host identifier specifies where the user connects from. It specifies either a DNS hostname or an IP address. You can use a wild card as part of the hostname or IP address if you want to allow this username to connect from a range of hosts. If the host value is just the percent sign wildcard, then that username can connect from any host. Similarly, if you create the user account with an empty host, then the user can connect from any host.  01:55 Lois: Ravish, can MySQL Enterprise Edition integrate with an organization’s existing accounts?  Ravish: MySQL Enterprise authentication integrates with existing authentication mechanisms in your infrastructure. This enables centralized account management, policies, and authentication based on group membership and assigned corporate roles, and MySQL supports a wide range of authentication plugins. If your organization uses Linux, you might already be familiar with PAM, also known as Pluggable Authentication Module. This is a standard interface in Linux and can be used to authenticate to MySQL. Kerberos is another widely used standard for granting authorization using a centralized service. The FIDO Alliance, short for Fast Identify Online, promotes an interface for passwordless authentication. This includes methods for authenticating with biometrics RUSB security tokens. And MySQL even supports logging into centralized authentication services that use LDAP, including having a dedicated plugin to connect to Windows domains. 03:05 Nikita: So, once users are authenticated, how does MySQL handle user authorization? Ravish: The MySQL privilege system uses the GRANT keyword. This grants some privilege X on some object Y to some user Z, and optionally gives you permission to grant the same privilege to others. These can be global administrative privileges that enable users to perform tasks at the server level, or they can be database-specific privileges that allow users to modify the structure or data within a database. 03:39 Lois: What about database privileges? Ravish: Database privileges can be fine-grained from the largest to the smallest. At the database level, you can permit users to create, alter, and delete whole databases. The same privileges apply at the table, view, index, and stored procedure levels. And in addition, you can control who can execute stored procedures and whether they do so with their own identity or with the privileges of the procedure's owner. For tables, you can control who can select, insert, update, and delete rows in those tables. You can even specify the column level, who can select, insert, and update data in those columns. Now, any privileged system carries with it the risk that you might forget an important password and lock yourself out. In MySQL, if you forget the password to the root account and don't have any other admin-level accounts, you will not be able to administer the MySQL server. 04:39 Nikita: Is there a way around this? Ravish: There is a way around this as long as you have physical access to the server that runs the MySQL process. If you launch the MySQL process with the --skip grant tables option, then MySQL will not load the privilege tables from the system database when it starts. This is clearly a dangerous thing to do, so MySQL also implicitly disables network access when you use that option to prevent users from connecting over the network. When you use this option, any client connection to MySQL succeeds and has root privileges. This means you should control who has shell access to the server during this time and you should restart the server or enable privileged system with the command flush privileges as soon as you have changed the root password. The privileges we have already discussed are built into MySQL and are always available. MySQL also makes use of dynamic privileges, which are privileges that are enabled at runtime and which can be granted once they are enabled.  In addition, plugins and components can define privileges that relate to features of those plugins. For example, the enterprise firewall plugin defines the firewall admin privilege and the audit admin privilege is defined by the enterprise audit plugin.  06:04 Are you working towards an Oracle Certification this year? Join us at one of our certification prep live events in the Oracle University Learning Community. Get insider tips from seasoned experts and learn from others who have already taken their certifications. Go to to jump-start your journey towards certification today! 06:28 Nikita: Welcome back! Ravish, I want to move on to MySQL Enterprise security tools. Could you start with MySQL Enterprise Audit? Ravish: MySQL Enterprise Audit is an extension available in Enterprise Edition that makes it easier to comply with regulations that require observability and control over who does what in your database servers. It provides visibility of connections, authentication, and individual operations. This is a necessary part of compliance with various regulations, including GDPR, NIS2, HIPAA, and so on. You can control who has access to the audited events so that the audits themselves are protected. As well as configuring what you audit, you can also configure rotation policies so that unmonitored audit logs don't fill up your storage space. The configuration can be performed while the server is running with minimal effect on production applications. You don't need to restart the server to enable or disable auditing or to change the filtering options. You can output the audit logs in either XML or JSON format, depending on how you want to perform further searching and processing. If you need it, you can compress the logs to save space and you can encrypt the logs to provide address protection of audited identities and data modifications. The extension is available either as a component or if you prefer, as the legacy plugin. 07:53 Lois: But how does it all work? Ravish: Well, first, as a DBA, you'll enable the audit plugin and attach it to your running server. You can then configure filters to audit your connections and queries and record who does what, when they do it, and so on. Then once the system is up and running, it audits whenever a user authenticates, accesses data, or even when they perform schema changes. The logs are recorded in whatever format that you have configured. You can then monitor the audited events at will with MySQL tools such as Workbench or with any software that can view and manipulate XML or JSON files. You can even configure Enterprise Audit to export the logs to an external Audit Vault, enabling collection, and archiving of audit information from all over your enterprise. In general, you won't audit every action on every server. You can configure filters to control what specific information ends up in the logs. 08:50 Nikita: Why is this sort of filtering necessary, Ravish? Ravish: As a DBA, this enables you to create a custom designed audit process to monitor things that you're really interested in. Rules can be general or very fine grained, which enables you to reduce the overall log size, reduces the performance impact on the database server and underlying storage, makes it easier to process the log file once you've gathered data, and filters are configured with the easily used JSON file format. 09:18 Nikita: So what information is audited? Ravish: You can see who did what, when they did it, what commands they use, and whether they succeeded. You can also see where they connected from, which can be useful when identifying man in the middle attacks or stolen credentials. The log also records any available client information, including software versions and information about the operating system and much more. 09:42 Lois: Can you tell us about MySQL Enterprise Firewall, which I understand is a specific tool to learn and protect the SQL statements that MySQL executes? Ravish: MySQL Enterprise Firewall can be enabled on MySQL Enterprise Edition with a plugin. It uses an allow list to set policies for acceptable queries. You can apply this allow list to either specific accounts or groups. Queries are protected in real time. Every query that executes is verified per server and checked to make sure that it conforms to query structures that are defined in the allow list. This makes it very useful to block SQL injection attacks. Only transactions that match well-formed queries in the allow list are permitted. So any attempt to inject other types of SQL statements are blocked. Not only does it block such statements, but it also sends an alert to the MySQL error log in real time. This gives you visibility on any security gaps in your applications. The Enterprise Firewall has a learning mode during which you can train the firewall to identify the correct sort of query. This makes it easy to create the allow list based on a known good workload that you can create during development before your application goes live. 10:59 Lois: Does MySQL Enterprise Firewall operate seamlessly and transparently with applications? Ravish: Your application simply submits queries as normal and the firewall monitors incoming queries with no application changes required. When you use the Enterprise Firewall, you don't need to change your application. It can submit statements as normal to the MySQL server. This adds an extra layer of protection in your applications without requiring any additional application code so that you can protect against malicious SQL injection attacks. This not only applies to your application, but also to any client that configured user runs. 11:37 Nikita: How does this firewall system work?  Ravish: When the application submits a SQL statement, the firewall verifies that the statement is in a form that matches the policy defined in the allow list before it passes to the server for execution.  It blocks any statement that is in a form that's outside of policy.  In many cases, a badly formed query can only be executed if there is some bug in the application's data validation. You can use the firewall’s detection and alerting features to let when it blocks such a query, which will help you quickly detect such bugs, even when the firewall continues to block the malicious queries. 12:14 Lois: Can you take us through some of the encryption and masking features available in MySQL Enterprise Edition?  Ravish: Transparent data encryption is a great way to protect against physical security disclosure. If someone gains access to the database files on the file system through a vulnerability of the operating system, or even if you've had a laptop stolen, your data will still be protected. This is called Data at Rest Encryption. It protects not only the data rows in tablespaces, but also other locations that store some version of the data, such as undo logs, redo logs, binary logs and relay logs. It is a strong encryption using the AES 256 algorithm. Once we enable transparent data encryption, it is, of course, transparent to the client software, applications, and users. Applications continue to submit SQL statements, and the encryption and decryptions happen in flight. The application code does not need to change. All data types, table structure, and database names remain the same. It's even transparent to the DBAs. The same data types, table structure, and so on is still how the DBA interacts with the system while creating indexes, views, and procedures. In fact, DBAs don't even need to be in possession of any encryption keys to perform their admin tasks. It is entirely transparent. 13:32 Nikita: What kind of management is required for encryption? Ravish: There is, of course, some key management required at the outside. You must keep the keys safe and put policies in place so that you store and rotate keys effectively, and ensure that you can recover those keys in the event of some disaster. This key management integrates with common standards, including KMIP and KMS. 13:53 Lois: Before we close, I want to ask you about the role of data masking in MySQL. Ravish: Data masking is when we replace some part of the private information with a placeholder. You can mask portions of a string based on the string position using the letter X or some other character. You can also create a table that contains a dictionary of suitable replacement words and use that dictionary to mask values in your data. There are specific functions that work with known formats of data, for example, social security numbers as used in the United States, national insurance numbers from the United Kingdom, and Canadian social insurance numbers. You can also mask various account numbers, such as primary account numbers like credit cards or IBAN numbers as used in the European Bank system. There are also functions to generate random values, which can be useful in test databases. This might be a random number within some range, or an email address, or a compliant credit card number, or social security number. You can also create random information using the dictionary table that contains suitable example values. 14:58 Nikita: Thank you, Ravish, for taking us through MySQL security. We really cannot overstate the importance of this, especially in today’s data-driven world.  Lois: That’s right, Niki. Cyber threats are increasingly sophisticated these days. You really have to be on your toes when it comes to security. If you’re interested in learning more about this, the MySQL 8.4 Essentials course on is a great next step.  Nikita: We’d also love to hear your thoughts on our podcast so please feel free to share your comments, suggestions, or questions by emailing us at [email protected]. That’s [email protected]. In our next episode, we’ll journey into the world of MySQL backups. Until then, this is Nikita Abraham… Nikita: And Lois Houston, signing off! 15:51 That’s all for this episode of the Oracle University Podcast. If you enjoyed listening, please click Subscribe to get all the latest episodes. We’d also love it if you would take a moment to rate and review us on your podcast app. See you again on the next episode of the Oracle University Podcast.

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