Episode 81: Inman's Rules: The Enduring Principles of Operational Intelligence

OODAcast - En podkast av Matt Devost & Bob Gourley


In this OODAcast we ask retired Admiral Bobby Ray Inman for insights into his approach to analyzing complex situation and managing intelligence efforts. Admiral Inman served in the Navy from November 1951 to July 1982, retiring with the rank of four star admiral, the first military intelligence officer to ever reach that rank. On active duty, he served as director of naval intelligence, then later director of the National Security Agency and as deputy director of Central Intelligence. After retirement Inman was chairman and CEO of the Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation (MCC) in Austin, Texas, for four years and chairman, president and chief executive officer of Westmark Systems Inc., a privately owned electronics industry holding company, for three years. Inman also served as chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas from 1987 through 1990. He became a adjunct professor at The University of Texas at Austin in 1987 and was appointed a tenured professor holding the Lyndon B. Johnson Centennial Chair in National Policy in August 2001. He recently retired from that position. Decades ago he codified his principles in a list of rules he used to teach and lead others with. They are still exchanged and studied by leaders today, and they provided a good framework for our discussion in this OODAcast. Inman’s Rules 1. Conservation of enemies: Be slow to anger and quick to build allies 2. When you are explaining you are losing: In most cases trying to explain away something never convinces the listener and just wastes your time. Learn from your mistake and move on. Sometimes the same thought is captured by the adage: When in a hole stop digging 3. Something too good to believe probably is just that, untrue: This remains important not just in national intelligence but in fighting fraud. 4. Go to the Hill alone: Supporting governance processes are just too important. 5. Wisdom in Washington is having much to say and knowing when not to say it: Never overwhelm decision makers. 6. Never sign for anything 7. The only one looking out for you is you: Take personal responsibility for your actions. 8. If you think your enemy is stupid, think again: Arrogance results in failure and surprise. 9. Never try to fool yourself: Too frequently it is easier to deceive ourselves rather than believe reality 10. Never go into a meeting without knowing what the outcome is going to be. 11. Don’t change what got you to where you are just to get to the next place. 12. Intelligence is knowing what the enemy doesn’t want you to know: It is about stealing secrets, not reading the news. 13. Nothing changes faster than yesterday’s vision of the future: Don't try to simply predict, you probably need to conduct scenario planning over multiple futures. 14. Intelligence users are looking for what is going to happen, not what has already occurred: Intelligence is not about history. Just because history is easier does not mean it is the mission. 15. It is much harder to convince someone they are wrong than it is to convince them they are right: This observation leads to the important point that intelligence professionals need a high emotional intelligence and ability to convey the truth in ways that get it accepted even when it is not welcome. 16. For Intelligence Officers in particular there is no substitute for the truth. 17. By the time intelligence gets back to a user with the answer the question usually has changed: Especially in operational intelligence. 18. Always know your blind spots, get help to cover them. 20. You can never know too much about the enemy: Do not fear information overload, manage it. 21. Tell what you know, tell what you don’t know, tell what it means: This framework helps decision-makers contextualize insights into ways that make intelligence more actionable. 22. Tell them what you are going to say, tell them, then tell them what you told them, they might remember something. 23. Never have more than three points. 24. Never follow lunch or an animal act. 25. Believe is correct, intelligence officers never feel. 26. The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence: Be proactive and seek more insights on the situation 27. Boredom is the enemy, not the time to any briefing. 28. If you can’t summarize it on one page, you can’t sell it to anyone. 29. Always allow time to consider what the enemy wants me to think, is he succeeding or am I? 30. If you can’t add value, get out of the way. 31. Beware of mirror imaging: Thinking the adversary or others are the same as we are has contributed to most major strategic failures through the years, including the 20 year involvement in Afghanistan.   Related Reading: Black Swans and Gray Rhinos Now more than ever, organizations need to apply rigorous thought to business risks and opportunities. In doing so it is useful to understand the concepts embodied in the terms Black Swan and Gray Rhino. See: Potential Future Opportunities, Risks and Mitigation Strategies in the Age of Continuous Crisis Cybersecurity Sensemaking: Strategic intelligence to inform your decisionmaking The OODA leadership and analysts have decades of experience in understanding and mitigating cybersecurity threats and apply this real world practitioner knowledge in our research and reporting. This page on the site is a repository of the best of our actionable research as well as a news stream of our daily reporting on cybersecurity threats and mitigation measures. See: Cybersecurity Sensemaking Corporate Sensemaking: Establishing an Intelligent Enterprise OODA’s leadership and analysts have decades of direct experience helping organizations improve their ability to make sense of their current environment and assess the best courses of action for success going forward. This includes helping establish competitive intelligence and corporate intelligence capabilities. Our special series on the Intelligent Enterprise highlights research and reports that can accelerate any organization along their journey to optimized intelligence. See: Corporate Sensemaking Artificial Intelligence Sensemaking: Take advantage of this mega trend for competitive advantage This page serves as a dynamic resource for OODA Network members looking for Artificial Intelligence information to drive their decision-making process. This includes a special guide for executives seeking to make the most of AI in their enterprise. See: Artificial Intelligence Sensemaking COVID-19 Sensemaking: What is next for business and governments From the very beginning of the pandemic we have focused on research on what may come next and what to do about it today. This section of the site captures the best of our reporting plus daily daily intelligence as well as pointers to reputable information from other sites. See: OODA COVID-19 Sensemaking Page. Space Sensemaking: What does your business need to know now A dynamic resource for OODA Network members looking for insights into the current and future developments in Space, including a special executive’s guide to space. See: Space Sensemaking Quantum Computing Sensemaking OODA is one of the few independent research sources with experience in due diligence on quantum computing and quantum security companies and capabilities. Our practitioner’s lens on insights ensures our research is grounded in reality. See: Quantum Computing Sensemaking. The OODAcast Video and Podcast Series In 2020, we launched the OODAcast video and podcast series designed to provide you with insightful analysis and intelligence to inform your decision making process. We do this through a series of expert interviews and topical videos highlighting global technologies such as cybersecurity, AI, quantum computing along with discussions on global risk and opportunity issues. See: The OODAcast

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