News in Slow English - Episode 2 - Intermediate English Podcast

In the first part of our program, we’re going to discuss current events. We will begin with the General Assembly of the United Nations. Next, we will talk about tensions ahead of the Catalonia independence vote planned for October 1st. Then, we will discuss NASA’s decision to end the Cassini spacecraft’s Saturn expedition mission after 13 years. And finally, we will talk about the performance of a robot named YuMi, that led the Lucca Philharmonic Orchestra last week in Pisa, Italy, to open the first International Festival of Robotics. Donald Trump brings “America First” philosophy to U.N. Tensions rise in Spain ahead of proposed Catalonia referendum Cassini’s Saturn exploration mission ends Robot conductor receives praise in debut performance The second part of our show will be dedicated to American culture and the English language. In the grammar section of our program, we’ll illustrate the use of today’s grammar topic: Article Omission. And we will conclude our program with another English expression: “To cost an arm and a leg.”