Ken Pelletier- Co-Founder Calexo
Nashville Restaurant Radio - En podkast av Brandon Styll

With dry January in full swing, we are talking about another option instead of alcohol, THC infused beverages. Ken is the Co-Founder of Calexo, a CA based beverage brand that has both infused, and non-infused nonalcoholic beverages. (you can find them at Today we talk about the origin of his brand, the science behind it, and the most frequently asked questions he gets around it. We also talk about the legality, and how do you manage it at your restaurant or bar. Sponsor information Gordon Foodservice- Paul Hunter-615-945-6753 Super Source- Dish Machine and Chemicals- Jason Ellis-770-337-1143 Charpier's Bakery- Fresh Bread- Erin Mosow-615-319-6453 What Chef's Want-800-600-8510 Robins Insurance- Matthew Clements- 863-409-9372 Fat Bottom Brewery- order through DET dist. Bravazzi through Best Brands Sitex Linen- Ross Chandler- 270-823-2468