Mundofonías 2024 #30: Celebraciones, expediciones, experimentaciones / Celebrations, expeditions, experimentations

Mundofonías - En podkast av Mundofonías


Comenzamos celebrando los 40 años de aleaciones musicales de los minesotanos Boiled in Lead, para continuar con expediciones y experimentaciones en pos de músicas inusuales que nos llegan desde Karachi, Alejandría y la provincia china de Yunnan, así como de colectivos de músicos de diversas culturas que se encuentran en las capitales europeas. We start celebrating the 40 years of musical alloys of the Minnesotans Boiled in Lead, to continue with expeditions and experimentations in search of unusual music coming from Karachi, Alexandria and the Chinese province of Yunnan, as well as from collectives of musicians from different cultures in European capitals. Boiled in Lead – Bučimiš – 40 years (live) Talib Trio – Karoo’n – Aap ka number hai? Artistas populares hanis / Hani folk artists – Wu chu aci (Rice transplanting song) – Hani polyphonic singing in Yunnan China Roots Revival – Story of live music during the pandemic! – [Composición para: / Composition for: Morgenland Festival Osnabruck] The Handover – The handover, part two [frag.] – The handover 📸 Roots Revival (captura de su vídeo / snapshot of their video)

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