Does Keto Cause Heart Disease?

Metabolic Mind - En podkast av Bret Scher, MD FACC - Mandager

There’s a common belief that being in nutritional ketosis or following a ketogenic diet increases your risk of developing heart disease. But the reality is there is no such evidence. Instead, the incorrect belief is based on inaccurate and misleading data, and the assumption that LDL cholesterol increases in everyone on a keto diet. But, as board-certified cardiologist and lipidologist Dr. Bret Scher explains in this video, there’s far more to the story.  Follow our channel for more information and education from Bret Scher, MD, FACC, including interviews with leading experts in Metabolic Psychiatry. Learn more about metabolic psychiatry and find helpful resources at  About us: Metabolic Mind™ is a nonprofit initiative incubated by Baszucki Group. Our mission is to provide education and resources in the emerging field of metabolic psychiatry, including ketogenic interventions for mental disorders. Our channel is for informational purposes only. We are not providing individual or group medical or healthcare advice nor establishing a provider-patient relationship. Many of the interventions we discuss can have dramatic or potentially dangerous effects if done without proper supervision. Consult your healthcare provider before changing your lifestyle or medications. #MetabolicMind  #KetoForMentalHealth  #MetabolicPsychiatry  #HeartDisease #LDL #LeanMassHyperResponder #BipolarTreatment   #MetabolicNeuroscience  #KetogenicMetabolicTherapy  #NutritionalKetosis #MentalIllnessTreatment #MentalHealthIsMetabolicHealth #BipolarDiet

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