069 Angels & Healing: The Unknown Angels
Medical Medium Podcast - En podkast av Anthony William

We all have access to the Angelic realm, but why do so many struggle with believing that they have an ability to reach an Angel? People can really struggle with believing that they have any connection to receiving help from Angels. There is a way to receive help and there is a way to gain access, but what really matters is how you ask for the help you need and who you are asking for help from in the Angelic world. Not all Angels are the same and not all Angels do the same things in regards to duties God has handed down to them. There is a group of Angels that have the ability to perform miracles, but they don’t have a name—these are the Unknown Angels. In this episode you will learn how to reach out to these Angels and receive help in times of need… Listen to this advertisement-free podcast on Apple & Spotify. In this episode… • Learn how to connect with Angels. • Discover when Angels came to be and some of the ways in which they assist God. • Uncover which two angels are called upon the most and why calling upon other Angels can be beneficial. • Learn the exact number of Unknown Angels that work for God. • Discover what an Angel’s Light Rod does. • Learn about the best way to reach the Unknown Angels. • Uncover how the junk thoughts in our heads can impact the Unknown Angels and their ability to help us. • Discover what happens when you can’t get your words out when you are struggling. • Learn what to say when you’re asking for help from an Angel. All this and more, tune in and don’t miss out on this important episode. You can revisit this episode anytime you need it. For more information visit www.medicalmedium.com