Episode 3 "Getting Better"

Mainframe, Performance, Topics Podcast - En podkast av Marna Walle


Here are the show notes for Episode 3 "Getting Better". 

Follow Up

  • Following up the Episode 1 "Topics" item on Markdown, Martin talked about John Gruber's Daring Fireball Dingus page which lets you paste in Markdown and see the HTML generated from it (and how the HTML is rendered).
  • Also following up on an Episode 1 item, but this time the "Mainframe" item, Marna talked about her personal problem with ISPF 3.17 Mount Table right / left she was seeing before. It was the PF key definition (which she suspected all along), however defining 12 PF keys did the trick.


Our "Mainframe" topic included our first guest, Glenn Wilcock, a DFSMS architect specializing in HSM. Glenn talked about a very important function - using zEnterprise Data Compression (zEDC) for HSM. He discussed some staggering excellent numbers for CPU reduction, throughput improvement, and storage usage reduction. A win on all three fronts. Here are some of the links that you can use to get more information about this topic


Our "Performance" item was a discussion on one of Martin's "2016 Conference Season" presentations: "How To Be A Better Performance Specialist". Two particular points arising: We'll publish a link to the slides when they hit Slideshare, probably after the 2016 IBM z Systems Technical University, 13 - 17 June, Munich, Germany.

  • This presentation might interest a wider audience than just Performance and Capacity people.
  • You might get something out of it even if you've been around for a while.


Under "Topics" we discussed mind mapping and how we use it for this podcast and other uses, such as depicting relationships between CICS systems and the DB2 subsystems they attach to. Martin mentioned Freemind, an open source cross-platform mindmapping tool, available from here. He also mentioned the proprietary iThoughts, which has an iOS Version and a macOS version. Data is interchangeable between these two and Martin uses both versions, with the iOS version on his iPad Pro and his iPhone. 

On The Blog

Martin posted to his blog: 

On z/OS Marna posted to her blog:

  • Are you electronic delivery secure?. Warning!!! Regular old ftp for electronic software delivery will be gone on May 22, 2016, for Shopz and SMP/E RECEIVE ORDER. Find a secure replacement.

Contacting Us  

You can reach Marna on Twitter as mwalle and by email. You can reach Martin on Twitter as martinpacker and by email.

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