Truenorth - spike the rise of the machine

ML - The way the world works - analyzing how things work - En podkast av David Nishimoto


1. The brain has approximately 100 billion neurons and 100 to 150 trillion synaptic connections 2. The Systems of Neuromorphic Adaptive Plastic Scalable Electronics (SyNAPSE) is developing a electronic neuromorphic brain-simulator 3. Lawrence Livermore National Lab, Blue Gene/Q Sequoia, using 96 racks (1,572,864 processor cores, 1.5 PB memory, 98,304 MPI processes, and 6,291,456 threads). 4. Ibm created 530 billion neurons in hardware with 100 trillion synapse. The simulator is not a biologically realistic simulation of the human brain 5. Dr Dharmendra Mocha divided 2 billion neurons in simulation in 77 sections. Modha is replicating the right side of the brain with complex brain functionality occurs. 6. Each synpatic core has 256 neurons. The neurons are used to create cognitive computing. 7. The TrueNorth library accessible by c/c++ contains 150 pre-designed corelets, each with a particular task. 8. Cognitive Computing may find use in big data and vision systems. 9. The TrueNorth system was fed streaming video at 30 frames a second, it recognized people, cyclist, cars, buses, and trucks with 80 percent accuracy and used 63 milliwatts of power. 10. The average human brain has 10,000 inputs per neuron. Where trueNorth only has 256 inputs

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