Michael Levin - Why Intelligence Isn't Limited To Brains.
Machine Learning Street Talk (MLST) - En podkast av Machine Learning Street Talk (MLST)

Professor Michael Levin explores the revolutionary concept of diverse intelligence, demonstrating how cognitive capabilities extend far beyond traditional brain-based intelligence. Drawing from his groundbreaking research, he explains how even simple biological systems like gene regulatory networks exhibit learning, memory, and problem-solving abilities. Levin introduces key concepts like "cognitive light cones" - the scope of goals a system can pursue - and shows how these ideas are transforming our approach to cancer treatment and biological engineering. His insights challenge conventional views of intelligence and agency, with profound implications for both medicine and artificial intelligence development. This deep discussion reveals how understanding intelligence as a spectrum, from molecular networks to human minds, could be crucial for humanity's future technological development. Contains technical discussion of biological systems, cybernetics, and theoretical frameworks for understanding emergent cognition. Prof. Michael Levin https://as.tufts.edu/biology/people/faculty/michael-levin https://x.com/drmichaellevin Sponsor message: DO YOU WANT WORK ON ARC with the MindsAI team (current ARC winners)? Interested? Apply for an ML research position: [email protected] TOC 1. Intelligence Fundamentals and Evolution [00:00:00] 1.1 Future Evolution of Human Intelligence and Consciousness [00:03:00] 1.2 Science Fiction's Role in Exploring Intelligence Possibilities [00:08:15] 1.3 Essential Characteristics of Human-Level Intelligence and Relationships [00:14:20] 1.4 Biological Systems Architecture and Intelligence 2. Biological Computing and Cognition [00:24:00] 2.1 Agency and Intelligence in Biological Systems [00:30:30] 2.2 Learning Capabilities in Gene Regulatory Networks [00:35:37] 2.3 Biological Control Systems and Competency Architecture [00:39:58] 2.4 Scientific Metaphors and Polycomputing Paradigm 3. Systems and Collective Intelligence [00:43:26] 3.1 Embodiment and Problem-Solving Spaces [00:44:50] 3.2 Perception-Action Loops and Biological Intelligence [00:46:55] 3.3 Intelligence, Wisdom and Collective Systems [00:53:07] 3.4 Cancer and Cognitive Light Cones [00:57:09] 3.5 Emergent Intelligence and AI Agency Shownotes: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/i2vl1vs009thg54lxx5wc/LEVIN.pdf?rlkey=dtk8okhbsejryiu2vrht19qp6&st=uzi0vo45&dl=0 REFS: [0:05:30] A Fire Upon the Deep - Vernor Vinge sci-fi novel on AI and consciousness [0:05:35] Maria Chudnovsky - MacArthur Fellow, Princeton mathematician, graph theory expert [0:14:20] Bow-tie architecture in biological systems - Network structure research by Csete & Doyle [0:15:40] Richard Watson - Southampton Professor, evolution and learning systems expert [0:17:00] Levin paper on human issues in AI and evolution [0:19:00] Bow-tie architecture in Darwin's agential materialism - Levin [0:22:55] Philip Goff - Work on panpsychism and consciousness in Galileo's Error [0:23:30] Strange Loop - Hofstadter's work on self-reference and consciousness [0:25:00] The Hard Problem of Consciousness - Van Gulick [0:26:15] Daniel Dennett - Theories on consciousness and intentional systems [0:29:35] Principle of Least Action - Light path selection in physics [0:29:50] Free Energy Principle - Friston's unified behavioral framework [0:30:35] Gene regulatory networks - Learning capabilities in biological systems [0:36:55] Minimal networks with learning capacity - Levin [0:38:50] Multi-scale competency in biological systems - Levin [0:41:40] Polycomputing paradigm - Biological computation by Bongard & Levin [0:45:40] Collective intelligence in biology - Levin et al. [0:46:55] Niche construction and stigmergy - Torday [0:53:50] Tasmanian Devil Facial Tumor Disease - Transmissible cancer research [0:55:05] Cognitive light cone - Computational boundaries of self - Levin [0:58:05] Cognitive properties in sorting algorithms - Zhang, Goldstein & Levin