The Holy Highway

Love Worth Finding | Audio Program - En podkast av Adrian Rogers

Sermon OverviewScripture Passage: Matthew 7:13-14The Holy Highway is the straight and narrow path we are called to journey on.Matthew 7:13-14 says, “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.”First, these verses show us there is a decision to face.Out of all the paths we could choose in life, there are really only two ways we can go: the broad way or the narrow way.God does not categorize us according to our status or economic class—He divides us up by the path we’ve chosen. He sees whether or not we are following Jesus on the narrow pathway.Because of God’s great love, we have the freedom to choose. But there’s no such thing as not making a decision—even the decision not to decide is a decision (and not a good one). We cannot choose the consequences of our choice. We will all face the good or bad outcomes of our decisions, so we must choose carefully.Once we’ve decided to walk on the straight and narrow, there is a direction to follow.The narrow way is a disciplined way. There is no easy, cheap, or lazy way to serve Jesus.While salvation is free, discipleship is costly; but without discipline, there is no power. It is a different way; don’t expect crowds to be on the straight and narrow.Adrian Rogers says, “It starts at a different source, it follows a different course, and it ends at a different conclusion.”Though it goes against the tide most times, it is a delightful way. Only those who are living clean and certain lives can experience the joy of walking with Jesus Christ; on the journey, we become even more cheerful and confident in our faith.Finally, there is a destiny to find at the end of the way.No matter fearful or fabulous—life or death—it is final. It all depends on which path we chose today.Apply it to your lifeHave you made your decision to walk the straight and narrow path that leads to life? Remember: you are free to choose, you are not free not to choose, nor can you choose the consequences of your actions.

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