The Best Of Looks Unfamiliar - He Also Ate A Lot Of Texan Bars
Looks Unfamiliar - En podkast av Podnose
Looks Unfamiliar is a podcast in which writer and occasional broadcaster Tim Worthington talks to a guest about some of the things that they remember that nobody else ever seems to.This is a collection of highlights from Looks Unfamiliar featuring Lydia Mizon on Smashie And Nicey - The End Of An Era, Katy Brent on Global Hypercolor, Tim Worthington on Wonderwall by The Mike Flowers Pops and the BBC Pinocchio, Ricardo Autobahn on the Panther 6, Mitch Benn on BusyBodies, Joanne Sheppard on The Water Babies and Spine Chillers, Phil Norman on Spy Trap and Bob Fischer and Georgy Jamieson an dancing reindeer and school recorder ensembles. Along the way we'll be revealing how to avoid getting caught literally Global Hypercolor-handed, averting a Radio Times listing for Starved Robin Askwith, questioning why Richard Herring never has sports cars as guests on RHLSTP, debating the plural of ‘A Ghost Story For Christmas’ and querying the value of using Rentaghost as a sort of all-purpose philosophical yardstick.You can find the full versions of all of these shows and lots more editions of Looks Unfamiliar besides at you enjoy Looks Unfamiliar, you can help to support the show by buying us a coffee here. One of those chains probably even does a Texan Bar Latte. For National Patrick Mower week or something. If there isn't one, there ought to be.