It’s a carol free zone this Christmas

Living in the 70s - En podkast av JOY 94.9 - LGBTI, LGBTIQA+, LGBTQIA+, LGBT, LGBTQ, LGB, Gay, Lesbian, Trans, Intersex, Queer Podcasts for all our Rainbow Communities


After five years of crafting Christmas shows from cheesy Seventies Christmas albums, Venetia put her foot down and declared this year a cheesy Christmas free zone. Instead we offer for your listening pleasure some of the tracks we might ourselves choose to play on Christmas day, as we prepare and share a meal with friends and family and then repose in a food coma on the couch. We wish all of you, our lovely listeners, very happy holidays, and hope our little show adds to your cheer and joy. And for those of you missing the Christmas theme, no doubt order will soon be restored and Marty will bring it back next year 🙂

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