Episode 14: 5G Apocalypse?

Linux Confidential - En podkast av Scott Blayney


In today's episode you might think I wear a tin foil hat, but I'm deeply disturbed after watching the documentary, "5G Apocalypse - The Final Extinction." You can watch it here: https://sachastone.com/5g-apocalypse-the-extinction-event/ or https://youtu.be/VxwXImHGGyY

Here are my points:

1) There have been no health tests on 5G technology to demonstrate that it is safe, despite the research showing that other EMF technologies are actually harmful to humans.

2) 5G wireless is actually the same technology used in microwave ovens, radar, and for crowd control. It is not an upgraded version of 4G, it is totally new.

3) 5G might be weaponized for crowd control (not sure if this is possible).

4) 5G could be used, along with cell phone tracking technology, to locate your exact whereabouts at all times. This could happen even in your own home.

5) There are experts who are saying that chem trails are being used in preparation for this technology. By dispersing nano-particles into the atmosphere to be absorbed by our bodies we become luminescent to 5G radio waves and therefore stand out against the background.

6) One person mentioned the Chinese Social Credit System, it was at exactly 58 minutes. 

If any of these points are true, then there needs to be a public outcry and backlash against it. We can't afford to let this happen and so potentially allow life to be destroyed. 

Truly, we are being led by madmen.