64. The Father of My Soul
Life Answers: A Complete Audiobook Reading of Sri Nisargadatta Maharajah's I AM THAT - En podkast av Steve Wasserman
Is Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj a kind of "father to the soul" of his followers? Is he a father to your soul? In what way? [Comments welcome!] “Who am I, finally, when I’m not playing? A poor orphan left out in the cold among sensations, shivering on the street corners of Reality, forced to sleep on the steps of Sadness and to eat the bread offered by Fantasy. I was told that my father, whom I never knew, is called God, but the name means nothing to me. Sometimes at night, when I’m feeling lonely, I call out to him with tears and form an idea of him I can love. But then it occurs to me that I don’t know him, that perhaps he’s not how I imagine, that perhaps this figure has never been the father of my soul…” -Fernando Pessoa (The Book of Disquiet)